5 Advanced SEO Tips to Double Your Website Traffic

5 Advanced SEO Tips to Double Your Website Traffic from UIGarage
Barrack Diego

Updated on June 30, 2020

The understanding of SEO is significant for enhanced website traffic as well as brand awareness. Based on the findings of HubSpot, your website’s 80 percent traffic starts with some search term or keyword (KW), and therefore, SEO is so essential to help your web pages grab the top spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Did you know that visitors use Google to perform more than 3.5 billion searches and in America, 78 percent of its people make use of the internet to look for products or services before purchasing? So when your website ranks higher in the SERPs, better if it manages to occupy the top five positions on the first page of Google. It implies that your site gains more visibility, traffic, conversion, and of course more revenue.

The presence of your website on the first page of Google is important because 75 percent of web visitors do not care to click beyond the first page.

According to an article published on Searchenginejournal.com, you need to do link building following white hat SEO practices because Google rewards sites that have quality, relevant links – not spammy ones. Read on to learn about the five advanced SEO for doubling your website traffic.

1. Know what your audience wants from your website

5 Advanced SEO Tips to Double Your Website Traffic from UIGarage

Remember that Google is not a company to advertise your brand. It relies on data instead. All tools, devices, and platforms it designs are to derive useful data from the web visitors and leverage the information to develop a powerful search engine.

To gain the top position on the first page of Google, you need to learn more about your targeted audience. Once you know what they looking for or expecting from your business, you can churn out optimized and quality content that piques audience interest. Listen to what your target buyer has to say, as that would help you create quality content that grabs audience attention.

You might be wondering how to get feedback from your customers if you are new and do not have any real buyers to ask for reactions. Well, you can use platforms such as Quora, look at the most popular web pages in Google Analytics, pay heed to visitor comments on your posts –blog and social media, and figure out which of the posts attract more likes and shares.

2. Perform an SEO audit of your site

When you audit your web pages, you can figure out why your site isn’t attracting adequate and quality traffic, and eventually sales. When it comes to your website audit, it is an organized assessment of an event, a concept, an outcome, and financial books, which is performed to determine where your site stands and how to make smart and strategic decisions in the days to come. Auditing will help you pique audience interest, attract visitor attention, and retain your customers.

Auditing is the overall evaluation of your site’s efficiency and performance to help to set new business goals depending on the results. You can consult with the Social Market Way Austin Office to implement tactics to realize the goals.

During an audit, you need to check whether all the web pages have Meta titles and Meta descriptions, are all pages optimized, whether all pages as well as blog posts aptly formatted, do all photos include KWs and ALT tags, and whether you use links in the content.

3. Design optimized landing pages

5 Advanced SEO Tips to Double Your Website Traffic from UIGarage

Did you know that a professionally designed landing page helps in lead generation as well as sales? The more of these pages you design, the more opportunities you create for incoming web traffic. Then, many companies do not realize the significance of optimized landing pages to reach out to new prospects.

Your home page matters but a landing page help in building customer relationships. That is why Copyblogger designs stellar landing pages on popular themes or subjects, walking the extra mile to work with expert designers to include stunning graphics with a neat and contemporary page layout.

The essential components of a professional landing page include high-quality, useful, and informative content, no navigation so that visitors stay on the page, and an effective call-to-action (CTA). CTAs make your potential customers register for your products or services, download an e-book, download a lead magnet, and things like that.

4. Focus on content length

You will find several studies and researches on the relation between Google SERP ranking and the length of your content. The experts in the industry site that your write-up should be no less than 1,890 words. If more, better. If you see the content that performs well in the SERPs, their content length is approx 1,900 words. Based on an experiment on QuickSprout, the results proved that posts with more than 1,500 words benefited concerning double the number of social media shares compared to those posts below 1,500 words.

The key to success is covering a single topic in depth so that each segment of that post becomes useful for your targeted audience. To reach that goal, you need to not only create engaging content but also conduct research to make your writing trustworthy. If needed, you can turn for help to TopEssayWriting,  one of the online content providers. 

5. Use valuable and useful content on social media

When your blog is new, it is not that easy to rank high in the SERPs for high-volume search phrases or KWs. That is because your domain and page authority are still quite low. Fret not because you can make the best use of social media sites such as Slideshare, Quora, Twitter, and Blogger to gain double traffic and credibility. When you use social media platforms, there is a possibility that your web pages rank higher in the SERPs, but this depends on a host of factors such as the length of your content, KWs, relevant links, and readability of your copy. If you have good domain authority, your entire business website will rank better in the SERPs.

The social media platforms mentioned above help you to boost your site’s search rankings and develop a fan following in a very short time.


Try these SEO tactics to double your website traffic. It will take some time and effort to gain fruitful results because basic methods such as link building and KW research will not help you much.