6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage
Nikka Estefani

Updated on June 17, 2022

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage

Your website represents your business or personal brand in the digital world. Therefore, you should strive to ensure that people are happy when they are visiting and using your website.

One of the things you should work on is your website’s user experience (UX). Simply put, user experience is the overall experience of a person to a website (or any product for that matter). In the case of websites, this could be how convenient their experience was, if it took them some time before they can go from page A to page B, or whether or not navigating the website is easy or not.

Whether you are a website owner or designer, it is your job to ensure that your website provides the best UX possible. Needless to say, poor UX results in reduced user/customer retention rate, decreased productivity and even decreased revenue. Poor UX can even affect your branding – if your website’s design is poorly built, that creates a negative impression on your customers not only on the website, but on your very own brand.

So, if you are looking for ways on how to improve your website’s UX, keep on reading. We are going to provide simple tips that can greatly improve your UX. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage

1) Use headings instead of just bold

Some people think that using bold for a heading is already enough. After all, why use the “heading” tool when you can just bold the text and increase its size a little bit?

Aside from increasing the text’s size and making it bold, the purpose of “heading” tools is to register to your customer which parts are headings and which are the body. This makes it helpful both for your readers as well as the computer.

So, the next time you’re adding heading titles, be sure to use the proper header, not just by bolding the text.

2) Keep your content in mind

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage

When designing your website, be sure that your content is properly placed in it. After working on your website design, write a sample page or article on it and see how the texts and images will fit. If you observed that the text seemed out of line or it is difficult to read, then you know you’ll need to adjust it. Same thing with images and videos – be sure that they properly fit in your space.

For this one, you can also call on a friend or co-worker to do the checking for you. Ask them to let you know if they experience any difficulty or anything strange as they read through the text. Then, simply adjust accordingly.

3) Run a customer survey to see how your website performs

Sometimes, the best way to know how your website is doing is by simply asking your users or customers about it. Ask them about their experience such as how easy (or difficult) is it to navigate the website, the page speed, how convenient they feel, and their overall user experience. Once you’ve gathered the results, simply tweak your website design accordingly.

4) Don’t forget the 404s!

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage

Some website owners do not mind the 404s because, generally, they will not be penalized by search engines such as Google for it. However, the real danger of 404s is not on SEO or Google’s penalty, but the negative experience they provide to your users.

To begin with, 404s are one of the most annoying things that any users can experience from a website. Imagine you’re searching for something on the Internet. Then, you find a website that seems to hold the information you want. Then, after clicking its link, you are met with a 404 error! It doesn’t end there, though. Not only 404s are already annoying enough, but it may give off the impression to your users that there’s something broken in your website. So, they’re less likely to go back to your website.

So, don’t forget your 404s. Make sure to resolve them whenever you meet them.

5) Be sure that your links are visually identifiable

One of the common problem with many website designs is that their links are simply not identifiable with the text. To begin with, some links have the exact same color as their text. If that’s not the case, their link color still blends with the body color (e.g using grey or even diluted black as link color when the body color is, well, black). Then. there are some who simply uses underline for hyperlinking. But people won’t usually take it as a link.

So, be sure that your links are visually identifiable. The classic way to do it is by simply assigning a color for links – be it blue, red, green, etc.

6) Consider the mobile version

6 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website’s UX from UIGarage

Finally, it’s time to consider the mobile version. If you are paying less attention to your website’s mobile version, it’s time to start paying attention to it.

To begin with, many users are already browsing from a mobile phone. Therefore, it makes sense to say that you should consider how your website will perform on a mobile device just as how it will perform on a desktop screen.