ChatGPT: Advanced Language Model

• February 10 •

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI. It is a sophisticated conversational AI model that uses natural language to interact with people. It is a neural network-based language model that has been trained on a massive quantity of textual data and can generate human-like responses to various prompts and enquiries.…

Design Assistance with ChatGPT

As a language model, ChatGPT has a wide range of applications, including design. ChatGPT can be used to generate design ideas, provide inspiration, and even help designers communicate more effectively with their clients. In this article, we will explore the best use of ChatGPT for design and how…

What UX Designers Need to Know in 2023

• January 9 •

UX design has become one of the most competitive fields in recent years, necessitating designers' ongoing improvement and upkeep of industry expertise. In this article, I'll discuss some topics I think you should check into as well as resources to help you learn more about them. By mastering…