Writing a Design Case Study

Writing a Design Case Study from UIGarage
Nikka Estefani

Updated on February 17, 2023

Writing a Design Case Study from UIGarage

Design case study is essential for designers to showcase their design skills, methodologies, and design thinking process. It is a document that describes the entire design process from problem definition to solution development. Writing a design case study is a challenging task, but it is a critical skill that every designer should master. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing a design case study.

Identify the Problem and Define the Scope

The first step in writing a design case study is to identify the problem and define the scope of the project. Start by understanding the problem that needs to be solved, and then narrow down the scope of the project. This will help you focus on the critical aspects of the project and avoid getting sidetracked.

Define Your Goals and Objectives

Once you have identified the problem and defined the scope of the project, the next step is to define your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with this project? What are the metrics that you will use to measure success? Define your goals and objectives clearly, so that you can refer to them throughout the project.

Describe Your Design Process

Now that you have defined the problem and set your goals and objectives, it’s time to describe your design process. This is where you will outline your design methodology, the tools and techniques you used, and your design thinking process. Be sure to include any challenges you faced along the way and how you overcame them.

Showcase Your Design Deliverables

The next step is to showcase your design deliverables. This includes wireframes, prototypes, user flows, and any other design assets that you created. Be sure to explain your design decisions and how they relate to the problem you were trying to solve.

Share User Feedback and Iterations

Design is an iterative process, so it’s important to share user feedback and any iterations you made based on that feedback. This will help demonstrate your willingness to listen to your users and make changes based on their needs.

Discuss the Results and Impact of Your Design

Finally, discuss the results and impact of your design. Did you achieve your goals and objectives? How did your design impact the user experience? Be sure to include any metrics that you used to measure success.


In conclusion, writing a design case study is a critical skill that every designer should master. By following these steps, you can create a compelling case study that showcases your design skills, methodologies, and design thinking process. Remember to be clear, concise, and transparent about your design decisions and methodology, and to highlight the impact of your design on the user experience. Good luck!