Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design: Creating Simple, Memorable, and User-Friendly Experiences

Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design: Creating Simple, Memorable, and User-Friendly Experiences from UIGarage
Nikka Estefani

Updated on June 30, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of digital design, creating user-centric and visually appealing experiences is paramount. One essential principle that plays a significant role in shaping user experiences is the “Law of Prägnanz” or the “Law of Good Figure.” Rooted in Gestalt psychology, this principle emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and orderliness in design. In the context of UX/UI design, the Law of Prägnanz guides designers in creating intuitive, memorable, and delightful interfaces that resonate with users. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of this law and understand its application in crafting exceptional digital experiences.

Understanding the Law of Prägnanz

Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design: Creating Simple, Memorable, and User-Friendly Experiences from UIGarage

The Law of Prägnanz is derived from the German word “prägnant,” which translates to “concise” or “pregnant with meaning.” According to Gestalt psychology, the human mind naturally seeks simplicity and organization when interpreting complex visual information. In essence, the law posits that people tend to perceive and remember objects or designs in their simplest forms. This principle is composed of several sub-laws, which include:

1. Law of Figure-Ground

Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design: Creating Simple, Memorable, and User-Friendly Experiences from UIGarage

The mind perceives objects as separate entities from their background. By employing distinct contrasts in color, size, and shape, designers can establish a clear visual hierarchy and help users focus on essential elements.

2. Law of Similarity

Similar elements are perceived to be related to each other. By grouping similar elements, designers can create a sense of unity and harmony, making the interface easier to understand and navigate.

3. Law of Proximity

Objects placed close to each other are perceived as belonging together. Properly using this principle allows designers to create logical groupings and relationships between elements, enhancing user comprehension.

4. Law of Closure

Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design: Creating Simple, Memorable, and User-Friendly Experiences from UIGarage

The mind tends to fill in gaps in incomplete shapes to create a whole. Designers can leverage this principle by using minimalistic representations or icons to represent complex ideas, leading to faster user understanding.

5. Law of Continuity

The mind prefers to perceive continuous and smooth patterns rather than disjointed elements. By utilizing this principle, designers can guide users through a seamless journey across the interface.

Applying the Law of Prägnanz in UX/UI Design

1. Simplify Complexity

When designing interfaces, focus on simplicity without compromising functionality. Reduce unnecessary elements and ensure a clear and logical layout to prevent users from feeling overwhelmed.

2. Create a Strong Visual Hierarchy

Utilize contrasting colors, sizes, and fonts to distinguish between different elements and emphasize important information. This will enable users to easily navigate the interface and locate essential content.

3. Group Similar Elements

Organize related elements together, such as buttons, icons, or menu items. This fosters a sense of coherence and enables users to quickly grasp the purpose of each group.

4. Embrace Negative Space

Allow for adequate white space around elements to enhance clarity and visual appeal. This not only improves legibility but also draws attention to important content.

5. Consistency is Key

Maintain consistency in the design elements throughout the interface. Consistency ensures predictability, reducing cognitive load and enhancing user confidence.


The Law of Prägnanz serves as a guiding principle for UX/UI designers to create intuitive and user-friendly experiences. By simplifying complexity, emphasizing visual hierarchy, grouping similar elements, and maintaining consistency, designers can harness the power of Gestalt psychology to captivate users and leave a lasting impression. Understanding and implementing the Law of Prägnanz in design processes will undoubtedly lead to interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and engaging for users.